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Community Health Fund

Improved CHF (iCHF)

  • Redesign of enrolment, fund flows and reimbursement processes and responsible actors

  • 26 regions on Tanzania mainland operating their iCHF schemes independently

  • 510,862 families or 2,608,611 individuals (1,166,509 males and 1,442,102 females)

  • 6,130 health facilities offer services to iCHF members across Mainland Tanzania

  • 529,434 beneficiaries have utilized health services

  • TZS 8.66 billion paid to health facilities for providing services to iCHF insured

  • Portability of entitlement with card to services, making it easy for the user to access health services across districts


Medicines management

Rational use and adherence (1).JPG
  • A Prime Vendor System (Jazia PVS) efficiently complements Medical Stores Department (MSD) when out of stock

  • Successful engagement of the private sector in a Public-Private- Partnership PPP

  • Nationally rolled-out in all 26 regions of mainland Tanzania and 32’123 staff trained at all levels

  • 14 private Tanzanian vendors contracted

  • Enhanced transparency and accountability in health supply procurement and payment procedures

  • Improved availability of tracer essential medicines: from 53% in October 2011 to over 90% in July 2019

  • 400 clinicians of all Dodoma region facilities trained in new Standard Treatment Guidelines (STG)

  • The pharmacy dispenser course at St. John’s University mitigates shortage with 668 students enrolled, 466 completed and 388 graduated as of end of 2019

Health Technology
  • A centralized inventory of medical devices spare parts an consumables in public facilities for all 26 regions

  • District Workshops

  • Development of a training program and curricula for artisans

  • A National Technical Level Training (IV, V) accredited

  • A total of 23 Biomedical Engineering technicians trained

  • Operative clinical equipment

  • More efficient delivery of health services

  • Improved quality of care due to a broader range of available diagnostic and therapeutic procedures

  • Higher satisfaction of health workers

  • Time and money savings for patients

  • Increased satisfaction and confidence of patients in health services

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Health Promotion

Health promoting achievements

  • 154 sessions of school health screening, covering 90,000 school children with oral, eye, ear, worm and parasite examination

  • 2,532 pupils referred to specialist services

  • 1,000 health promotion sessions conducted at 400 schools

  • Reduction of diarrhoeal infections as a result of improved school hygiene and sanitation

  •  Implementation of health committees based on
    sanitation action plans

  • Over 150 community health workers (CHW) from 148 villages trained on toilet slab casting and masonry

  • Sanitation Revolving Fund (SRF) established in 130
    villages and 8,000 improved or upgraded

  • More than 67,000 new public and domestic latrines built

Creating and disseminating evidence 
  • 35 operational research studies and surveys conducted

  • 10 Master, Bachelor and project studies supervised

  • 29 presentations of project results at national conferences

  • 24 presentations at international conferences

  • 14 posters displayed at conferences

  • 19 papers published in international journals

  • 17 policy briefs disseminated

  • 10 videos produced

Insurance Management Information System
  • A tailor-made Insurance Management Information System (IMIS or iCHF-IMIS).

  • For managing functions of a health insurance such as membership, product and claim management.

  • The system uses mobile phone applications to expand usage of iCHF-IMIS.

  • Facilitates transactions between the payer (26 iCHF schemes), provider (over 6000 health care facilities) and beneficiaries (reached through over 16,000 enrollment officers across the country).

  • Hosted by PORALG with a dedicated iCHF national support team managing the system.

  • Released by SDC as an open source application under the name of openIMIS

Covid-19 support
  • Support of the national COVID-19 call center by HPSS Tuimarishe with the Embassy of Switzerland and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

  • Reallocation of CHF 200’000 to support the Government of Tanzania (GoT) in the COVID -19 response in the country.

  • Active engagement in the Risk Communication and Community Engagement Pillar of the Emergency Response Plan 



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