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HPSS Project sponsors Govt Information Officers Conference

By Henry Mazunda

May 12, 2022

The 17th Government Information Officers Annual Conference took place at Regal Naveira Hotel in Tanga on 9 May. It was officiated by Nape Nnauye, Minister of Information, Communication and Technology.

HPSS project alongside other development partners sponsored the 5-day conference whose theme was “Strategic Communication, an important tool in the implementation of the 2022 population and housing census”. The conference took place ahead of the national population and housing census slated for August this year.

“I would be failing in my duty if don’t recognize the invaluable support that HPSS and other development partners continue to render to the Tanzanian Government. This important conference wouldn’t have been possible if it were not for their support”, said Nape Nnauye in his opening remarks.

During the conference, which drew participants from all the country’s 184 districts, participants were, among others, apprised of the progress of promotion initiatives for CHF Iliyoboreshwa insurance scheme in the country’s councils.

“We have been working with the CHF teams in Ruvuma region to sustain CHF Iliyoboreshwa promotion initiatives. In the past 12 months alone, our efforts have yielded 6,084 enrolments”, said Albano Midelo, Information Officer at Ruvuma region.

“Community radio stations, online Televisions and blogs in our region have always been at our disposal whenever we’re running CHF Iliyoboreshwa promotion campaigns”, he said.

On her part, Sarah Kibonde, Information Officer from Simiyu region commended the CHF teams from her region for supporting the implementation of her CHF Iliyoboreshwa promotion initiatives.

“Meanwhile, Simiyu region has managed to enroll 6,700 new members into CHF Iliyoboreshwa insurance scheme”, she said.

On the sidelines of the conference, HPSS project in collaboration with the President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government facilitated the promotion activities and enrolment of new members into CHF Iliyoboreshwa insurance scheme.


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