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Contact Centre for customer care to promote and support CHF Iliyoboreshwa
CHF Iliyoboreshwa, which is operated by the Government of Tanzania through the President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG) is a nonprofit health insurance scheme aimed at protecting citizens against health care costs and is implemented in all 26 regions across mainland Tanzania.
In recent years, a number of important improvements have enhanced the original scheme of the Community Health Fund of 2001. Additionally, various initiatives to enhance awareness of the targeted population have been ongoing. The government of Tanzania envisions that CHF Iliyoboreshwa membership will grow to 30% by 2025 from the current 7%, to ensure it is on track towards the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
Nevertheless, some misconceptions and information gaps about the scheme have been noticed among the targeted population.
Therefore, a training was organized by HPSS Project aiming at building the capacity of a CHF Contact Centre team to provide customer care service.

“We believe that the contact centre has a crucial role to contribute to efforts aimed at addressing the misconceptions and enlighten people on the massive improvements that have been made to CHF Iliyoboreshwa, through provision of quality personalized customer service function”, said Silvery Maganza, National CHF Coordinator.
The training was attended by the contact centre team which comprises of staff drawn from the Government communication unit (GCU), Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT), Department of Health Services (DHS) and Human Resource Department (HRD).
Speaking earlier, Elizeus Rwezaura, Health Financing Advisor at HPSS Project said the training will help participants to acquaint themselves with new features, benefit package, technical aspects and frequently asked questions (FAQs), regarding CHF Iliyoboreshwa.

“The contact center team is crucial in promoting and upselling CHF Iliyoboreshwa service. We trust that the skills that have been imparted to the participants during the training will empower them to provide centralized satisfactory customer service to CHF current and prospective customers”, he said.
Apart from being oriented on CHF Iliyoboreshwa key features and FAQs, the participants were accorded a chance to conduct a field visit to Makole Health Centre to gain practical experience about processes related to CHF Iliyoboreshwa.

The contact centre has been established with support from the Swiss Government, through HPSS Project, an initiative of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, that is being implemented by Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and is expected to become fully operational by the end of March, 2022.
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